In the terminal, downloading files, accessing web resources, and transferring data over networks are common tasks, particularly for developers and system administrators. This is where the curl command becomes an indispensable tool. curl, standing for "Client URL", is a powerful and versatile command-line utility used for sending and receiving data using various network protocols.

The curl command

curl is used to transfer data to or from a server, supporting protocols such as HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and more. Common uses include downloading files, making requests to web servers or APIs, and uploading data to remote servers. Its versatility and wide range of supported protocols make curl a go-to tool for many network-related tasks.

Essential usage

One of the most common uses of curl is downloading files. To download a file from a specified URL, you can use the -O option. For example, curl -O will download file.txt from the specified URL and save it with its original filename in the current directory. If you prefer to save the downloaded file with a different name, you can use the -o option followed by the desired filename, such as curl -o newname.txt

Another frequent use of curl is to fetch and display the content of a URL directly in the terminal. Simply running curl will retrieve the content from the URL and display it in the terminal. This is useful for quickly checking the response from a web server or an API endpoint.

Handling HTTP redirects is also a common requirement when downloading files from the web. Some URLs may redirect to another location, and curl can handle these redirects automatically with the -L option. For instance, curl -L will follow any redirect messages received from the server and fetch the final URL content, ensuring you access the intended resource even if it has been moved.

Advanced features (optional)

The curl command offers a range of advanced features that extend its capabilities beyond basic downloading and displaying content. Listed below is the syntax of the additional, optional features.

  • Sending Data with POST Requests: curl -d "[data]" [URL] sends data as POST request to the URL.

  • Custom Headers: curl -H "[header]" [URL] adds a custom header to the request.

  • Using Cookies: curl -b "[cookie-data]" [URL] sends cookies with the request.

  • Handling Redirects: curl -L [URL] follows HTTP redirects.

  • Uploading Files: curl -T [filename] [URL] uploads a file to a remote server.

Options and flags

Understanding and using the various options and flags available in curl can significantly enhance its functionality and your productivity. Some important options include:

  • -O: Downloads the file with its original filename.

  • -o [filename]: Downloads the file and saves it with a specified name.

  • -L: Follows HTTP redirects.

  • -v: Verbose mode, providing detailed information about the request and response.

  • -u [username:password]: Specifies a username and password for server authentication.

  • -x [proxy]: Specifies a proxy server to use for the request.

  • -k: Allows connections to SSL sites without certificates.

  • --limit-rate [speed]: Limits the rate of data transfer, useful for managing bandwidth usage.

Quiz Question

What is the primary purpose of the curl command in Python?

Quiz Question

In the curl command, what does the -o option allow you to do?