In the terminal, the ability to view and edit files is fundamental. This is where commands like cat and nano come into play. These commands offer different levels of complexity and functionality for handling text files – from simply displaying file contents to providing a robust environment for editing. Understanding these commands, their features, and when to use them, can greatly enhance your productivity in the terminal.


The cat command stands for “concatenate”. This command is primarily used to display the content of files, concatenate files, and redirect output in the terminal or scripts. It is a versatile tool for quickly viewing file contents and combining multiple files into one output.

When you run cat [file_name], it displays the content of the specified file directly in the terminal. This is useful for quickly checking the contents of a file without opening a text editor. For example, cat example.txt will print the contents of example.txt to the terminal.

Additionally, cat can concatenate multiple files and display their combined contents. By running cat [file1] [file2], the contents of file1 and file2 are displayed sequentially. This is particularly useful for combining log files or merging text files into a single output.

Sample syntax

  • cat [file_name]: Displays the content of the file on the terminal.

  • cat [file1] [file2]: Concatenates the contents of file1 and file2, displaying them in the terminal.


nano is a simple, easy-to-use text editor available in Unix-like systems. It features a straightforward interface, showing available commands and their keyboard shortcuts at the bottom of the screen. This makes nano an excellent choice for users who need to edit text files but may not be familiar with more complex editors.

To open a file for editing in nano, you use the command nano [file_name]. If the specified file does not exist, nano will create it. Once the file is open, you can perform basic text editing tasks such as inserting, deleting, and navigating through the text. The interface is intuitive, with common commands listed at the bottom of the screen for easy reference.

Saving changes in nano is straightforward: you press CTRL+O to save the file, and CTRL+X to exit the editor. This simplicity makes nano an ideal choice for quick edits and for users who are new to terminal-based text editing.

Sample syntax

nano [file_name]: Opens the file for editing. If the file doesn't exist, it will be created.

Quiz Question

Which terminal command is primarily used to display the content of files and concatenate files?